Women’s Giving Circle Grants Celebration
At Beaker and Flask RSVP to NParks@cfncf.org
At Beaker and Flask RSVP to NParks@cfncf.org
RSVP Here In-person training at the Community Foundation Change: A New Perspective Developing a positive approach to both expected and unexpected change is an essential and valuable skill to possess […]
RSVP Here Nonprofit Lobbying hosted by Holly Bullard, Chief Strategy & Development Officer at the Florida Policy Institute.
The Development Affinity Group is part of the Center for Nonprofit Excellence. Please email LBanis@cfncf.org with any questions.
RSVP Here 1:00-2:00 PM Eastern | Presenters: Ken Miller, CFRE Ken Miller, CFRE presents his annual Email and Social Media Best Practices for Fundraising Success workshop. This is a great […]
RSVP Here According to Benjamin Franklin’s maxim, the two certainties in life are death and taxes. Although the former cannot be avoided, it is possible to mitigate the latter, even […]